Invited to walk on water

Invited to walk on water
sisters and brothers waiting on one more

Friday, March 13, 2015

Update on Mohale's adoption delays. Calling for prayer.

Calling our friends to pray with us...
Last summer, Lesotho completed Mohale's adoption by our family in Lesotho, South Africa without us being present.  We waited another 6 months for the USA to approve a visa for him so we could travel to Lesotho and bring him home.  In December, we were appalled disheartened to learn that the US Embassy decided to require Lesotho to dissolve Mohale's adoption by our family and redo it because paperwork had been done out of order.  The political unrest and new elections this February have made the dissolution process difficult.  We need our adoption of him to be dissolved so that they can restart the adoption process for him (typing this makes my stomach sick.)   We are thankful that Mohale's adoption will be done in accordance with the USCIS order per HAGUE requirements so that the process won't have glitches for future children, yet we are begging for prayer that it happens and that it happens faster.  During last week of this month the adoption agency director will be traveling to Lesotho.  We are hoping that hearts will be moved, signatures acquired, mountains that Mohale can come home to us and countless others can flow forward into forever families.  

Thank you for your prayers for Mohale's adoption.  We will be fasting and praying during the trip mentioned above. We'd love for others to join us in prayer and fasting for Mohale, and orphans around the world who long for a family but remain stuck.  

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